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Leporinus ortomaculatus ? (det. from photo by B. Sidlauskas, 2005), live
VEN 05-01
photo by M.H.Sabaj

Leporinus fasciatus (det. from photo by B. Sidlauskas, 2005), 42mm, preserved
VEN 05-03
photo by D.C.Taphorn

Pseudanos winterbottomi, live
VEN 05-08
photo by M.H.Sabaj

Pseudanos winterbottomi, live
USNM 310156 (aquarium specimen), identification confirmed by B. Sidlauskas, 2005
photo by S. Weitzman & B. Fink courtesy of R. Winterbottom & B. Sidlauskas

Synaptolaemus cingulatus, live
VEN 05-12
photo by M.H.Sabaj