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Recently completed, ongoing, or proposed field & museum projects of interest to ASCI participants |
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Field Projects |
Continent: |
Nature or title of project (funding source) |
Principal Investigators, Coordinators and/or Expedition Co-Leaders |
Status |
1: North America |
MEXICO (Chiapas)—R. Lacantun Basin |
Chiapas Catfish Project |
Rodiles, Hendrickson & Lundberg |
ongoing |
MEXICO (Coahuila)—Cuatro Ciénegas |
catfish surveys |
Hendrickson et al. |
ongoing |
MEXICO (Coahuila & Tamaulipas) |
surveys of blindcats, Genus Prietella |
Hendrickson et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 1997 |
MEXICO (Sonora, Sinaloa) |
catfish surveys |
Hendrickson et al. |
proposed |
2: South America |
ARGENTINA (northeast)—R. Iguazú, Delta del Paraná |
ichthyofaunal surveys |
Azpelicueta, et al. |
ongoing & planned |
ARGENTINA (Patagonia)—Chubut River |
biology of Diplomystes mesembrinus |
Gosztonyi, et al. |
ongoing |
BOLIVIA—R. Beni system (Madeira Dr.) |
Long-term project on fishes & fisheries for regional conservation |
Sarmiento, et al. |
proposal submitted |
BOLIVIA (Pando)—Ríos Tahuamanu, Manuripi & Nareuda (upper R. Orthon) |
Orthon AquaRAP |
Chernoff, et al. |
fieldwork completed in 1996 |
BOLIVIA—upper R. Madeira Basin |
ichthyofaunal surveys |
Jegu, et al. |
ongoing |
BRAZIL—main channels of R. Amazonas & major tributaires (e.g., R. Negro) |
Calhamazon Project (NSF) |
Lundberg, et al. |
fieldwork completed in 1993, 94, 96 |
BRAZIL (Pantanal region)— Taquari/Jaura/Coxim, Aquidauana, and Miranda watersheds (Headwaters Basin) & R. Negro |
Chernoff, et al. |
fieldwork completed in 1998 |
BRAZIL—central Amazonas Basin |
natural history, taxonomy & systematics of small catfishes (e.g., Stauroglanis) |
Zuanon, Sazima, et al. |
ongoing |
ichthyofaunal inventory & Project Piaba (Dr. H.R. Axelrod Foundation & TFH Publications, Bio-Amazonia Conservation International, FundaAoRio Negro de Desenvolvimento Sustentaveis) |
Nibbish Chao, Petry et al. (Center of Ornamental Fish Study) |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 1989 |
Knowledge, conservation & rational exploration of the fish fauna of Brazil—PRONEX (CNPq & Fundação Univ. José Bonifácio) |
Menezes, Britski, de Figueredo, de Pinna, Sazima, Buckup, Castro, Reis, L. Malabarba, Lucena |
ongoing, listed fieldwork began in 1998 |
BRAZIL—R. Ribeira de Iguape System |
identification guide |
Akama & Oyakawa |
ongoing |
BRAZIL—R. Tocantins Basin |
ecological surveys |
Agostinho, Marques et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 1995 |
BRAZIL—Amazon, Paraná & SE coastal basins |
Pimelodid Project, in part–see also VENEZUELA (NSF) |
Lundberg |
ongoing, fieldwork conducted in 2002 |
BRAZIL—ríos Madeira & Purus |
ichthyofaunal inventories |
Rapp Py-Daniel |
ongoing |
BRAZIL—R. Amazonas Basin |
Phylogeny, Taxonomy and Biogeography of Neotropical Siluriformes with focus on Amazonian species |
Wosiacki |
proposal submitted (CNPq) |
BRAZIL (São Paulo State)—headwaters in R. Ribeira de Iguape basin (Atlantic Coast drainage) |
Diversidade de Peixes de Riachos e Cabeceiras da Bacia do Rio Ribeira de Iguape no Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP–Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Est. São Paulo) |
J.C. de Oliveira |
ongoing, fieldwork recently conducted |
BRAZIL (Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais State)—headwaters of Paraná, São Francisco, Doce and Paraíba do Sul basins |
ichthyofaunal surveys |
J.C. de Oliveira |
ongoing, fieldwork recently conducted |
BRAZIL (São Paulo State)—R. Paranapanema, upper Paraná basin |
Caracterização Biológica dos peixes da represa de Capivara (Duke Energy) |
Shibatta |
ongoing, fieldwork recently conducted |
BRAZIL (São Paulo State)—R. São José do Rio Preto system |
ichthyofaunal surveys & field guide (FAPESP–Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Est. São Paulo) |
Langeani, Casatti, et al. |
ongoing |
BRAZIL—upper Paraná & adjacent basins |
ichthyofaunal surveys |
Langeani, Bockmann, Castro, et al. |
planned |
BRAZIL—rios Corumbá, Iguaçu, Ivaí, & Tibagi, Itaipu Reservoir, floodplains (Paraná Dr.); rio Manso (Paraguay Dr.) |
ichthyofaunal surveys & identification guide to fishes of rio Corumbá (Nupelia, Univ. Est. Maringá) |
Pavanelli, Zawadzki, et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork began 1992 |
BRAZIL (Paraná State)—30 reservoirs in Paraná, Iguaçu & coastal basins |
ichthyofaunal surveys— |
Pavanelli, Zawadzki, et al. |
ongoing until 2005 |
Phylogeny & evolution of Loricarioidea: a multidisciplinary analysis |
C. Oliveira, de Pinna, Shibatta & Foresti |
ongoing, fieldwork collaborative with other projects listed for participants |
BRAZIL/PERU—upper R. Ucayali & Madre de Dios (Peru) & north-flowing tributaries of R. Amazonas & Tocantins (Brazil) |
ACSI trans-South America Expedition |
Lundberg & Reis (Brazil); Ortega, Sabaj & Salcedo (Peru) |
proposed (NSF-PBI) |
catfish surveys |
Arratia & Vila |
ongoing |
ichthyofaunal inventory |
Mojica, et al. |
ongoing |
COLOMBIA—R. Amazonas & tributary systems (Putumayo, Caquetá, Guaviare) |
inventory of catfishes |
Agudelo, Carlos Alonso, Mojica & Valderrama |
ongoing |
COLOMBIA (high Andes)—L. Fúquene |
ecology of 2 Andean endemics including the endangered Eremophilus mutisii (Fundación Humedales) |
Valderrama et al. |
ongoing |
COLOMBIA—R. Sinú & Amazonas basins |
assessment of catfish fisheries (Fundación Humedales) |
Valderrama, Mojica, et al. |
ongoing |
inventory of commercially important catfishes |
Royero, DoNascimiento, et al. |
proposed |
ECUADOR—R. Napo Basin |
ichthyofaunal surveys (community ecology studies) |
Stewart, et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 1981 |
Pastaza AquaRAP |
Chernoff, et al. |
fieldwork completed in 1999 |
FRENCH GUIANA—fresh- & near-shore waters |
ichthyofaunal inventory (IEGB-MNHN, INRA, CSP, Min. Env., Paris) |
Le Bail, P. Keith, Planquette†, et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 1976 |
FRENCH GUIANA/GUYANA/SURINAME (Guiana Shield)—Essequibo, Cuyuni, Demerara (coastal), Corantijn, Comté, Approuague, Oyapock R. basins |
Ichthyological diversification in the Guianas: a phylogeographic approach based on loricariid catfishes |
Fisch-Muller, Montoya-Burgos & Weber |
submitted (Swiss Nat. Foundation–FNRS), 3-year project to begin in 2003 |
GUYANA—middle Essequibo R. & tributaries |
Iwokrama Faunal Surveys (UNDP-GEF) |
Watkins, et al. |
ongoing in part, most field work completed in 1997 |
GUYANA/VENEZUELA (western Guiana Shiled)—upland tributaries of lower R. Orinoco & Essequibo R. |
Loricariid Biogeography Project (NSF) & ichthyofaunal surveys |
Armbruster |
ongoing until 2004, fieldwork conducted in 2002 |
PERU (Andes)—upper R. Amazonas |
catfish surveys |
Salcedo |
ongoing |
PERU (Loreto)—upper R. Amazonas Basin (lowlands) |
ichthyofaunal inventory |
Sabaj, Burr, et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork conducted in 1994, 95, 96, 97, 99 & 01 |
PERU (Loreto, Pacaya Samiria Reserve)— lower R. Marañon-Ucayali |
Projecto Ucamara (NSF-BSI) |
Albert & Crampton |
ongoing until 2004, fieldwork conducted in 2002 |
SURINAM—upper Maroni R. Basin |
ACSI Litani Expedition |
Lundberg, Mol & Sabaj |
proposed (NSF-PBI) |
VENEZUELA—R. Caura, Orinoco Basin |
Chernoff, et al. |
fieldwork completed in 2000 |
VENEZUELA—L. Maracaibo & Orinoco basins |
Pimelodid Project, in part–see also BRAZIL (NSF) |
Lundberg |
ongoing, fieldwork conducted in 2002 |
VENEZUELA (Amazonas)—R. Ventuari Basin |
ichthyofaunal inventory (FONACIT) |
Taphorn & Lasso |
ongoing |
VENEZUELA (Amazonas, llanos)— floodplain ecosystems of large rivers |
dynamics of fish assemblages |
Arrington |
ongoing with proposals to be submitted (Nat. Geog. Soc., NSF) |
VENEZUELA (Gran Sabana) |
catfish surveys |
Brewer & Linder |
ongoing |
VENEZUELA (Gran Sabana & karstic river systems) |
revision of regional Trichomycterus |
DoNascimiento, et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork conducted |
3: Africa |
ANGOLA/ZAMBIA—upper Zambezi R. system |
ichthyofaunal survey (African Wildlife Foundation) |
Skelton |
ongoing, fieldwork in 2002-03 |
East African Fish Diversity Project (Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren) |
De Vos, et al. (Dept. Ichthyology, NMK) |
ongoing, fieldwork conducted |
ichthyofaunal surveys (Belgian Ministry of Cooperation) |
Teugels |
completed 4 year field project |
CONGO-Brazzaville (Odzala National Park) |
ichthyofaunal survey |
Friel, Lavoué, Mamonékené, Sullivan |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 2002 |
CONGO-Brazzaville—coastal basins & Congo R. tributaries |
ichthyofaunal surveys |
Teugels & Mamonékené |
ongoing, 4 year field project recently started |
CONGO-Kinshasa |
CREDP–Congo River Environment & Development Project (USAID funded) |
Shumway (BU), Sullivan, Schelly (AMNH) |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 2002 |
ETHIOPIA—freshwaters nationwide |
Joint Ethio-Russian Biological Expeditions |
Golubtsov, et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 1986 |
ichthyofaunal surveys (WWF, FWO, BOF-Ghent Unvi.) |
Teugels, Adriaens |
ongoing, fieldwork recently completed |
Lower Guinea province: CAMEROON |
Revision of Ichthyofauna of Lower Guinea |
Stiassny (AMNH), Teugels (MRAC), Hopkins & Friel (CU), et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork collaborative with other projects listed for participants |
MOZAMBIQUE—Buzi R. system |
Biodiversity survey of Chimanimani Transfrontier Conservation Area (USA Gov.) |
Bills, et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 2002 |
Phylogenetic/Conservation studies of rock catfishes, Austroglanididae |
Bills |
ongoing, fieldwork recently completed |
Survey of National Fish Resources |
Bills, et al. |
ongoing, fieldwork recently conducted |
4: Asia |
ichthyofaunal surveys |
Thacker, et al. |
planned, fall 2003 |
CAMBODIA—Tonle Sap & Mekong River |
Giant Catfish Conservation and Research Project (University of California, Davis, & National Geographic Conservation Trust) |
Hogan, et al. |
ongoing |
CHINA (Yunnan)—upper Irrawaddy, Mekong & Salween R. systems |
ichthyofaunal surveys (NSF) |
Fritsch, Ferraris, et al. |
ongoing & proposed (NSF-PBI) |
INDIA (peninsular) |
ichthyofaunal surveys with guide to freshwater fishes |
Daniels |
completed in 2002 |
INDIA (Western Ghats) |
Diversity, Ecological Structure & Conservation of Threatened Fishes of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve |
Manimekalan |
ongoing |
INDIA (Chennai City, Tamilnadu State) |
Ecological survey of regional catfish |
Rajagopal |
ongoing |
INDONESIA (Sumatra) |
ichthyofaunal inventory |
Siebert & Tjakrawidjaja |
ongoing with fieldwork proposed (NSF-PBI), 2004-08 |
ichthyofaunal inventory |
Ferraris, Ng, et al. |
ongoing with fieldwork proposed (NSF-PBI), 2007-08 |
MONGOLIA—upper Amur R. System |
ACSI Amur Expedition |
Sabaj |
proposed (NSF-PBI), 2005, 06 or 07 |
MYANMAR—Chindwin R. Basin (Irrawaddy Dr.) |
ichthyofaunal survey |
Ferraris, et al. |
proposed (NSF-PBI), 2003 or 2004 |
ichthyofaunal inventory |
Edds |
ongoing |
fieldguide to regional catfishes, including juveniles & larvae |
Vidthayanon & Termvidchakorn |
ongoing |
ichthyofaunal surveys |
Hardman & Sabaj |
fieldwork conducted & completed in 2001 |
THAILAND—Mun R. basin (Mekong R. Drainage) |
ichthyofaunal inventory |
Krudpan |
ongoing, fieldwork began in 2002 |
Museum Projects |
Title and/or nature of project |
funding source and/or supporting institution(s) |
Principal investigator(s) |
Status |
On-line Catalog of Fishes |
NSF at California Academy of Sciences Department of Ichthyology |
Eschmeyer, et al. |
completed, ongoing with taxonomic updates |
FishNet & The Species Analyst |
NSF, Nat. Oceanographic Partnership Program & Office of Naval Research at University of Kansas |
Wiley, et al. |
ongoing |
Digital Morphology |
NSF (Digital Libraries Initiative) at University of Texas, Austin |
Rowe, et al. |
ongoing |
NSF DBI-9876822 at California Academy of Sciences Department of Ichthyology |
Catania, et al. |
essentially complete, ongoing with addition of new types & returns of old types |
Digital Imaging of Fish Types |
South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa |
Skelton |
ongoing |
Digital Imaging of Fish Types |
Laboratoire d'Ichtyologie Générale et Appliquée, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France |
Pruvost, et al. |
ongoing |
Digital Imaging of Fish Types |
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University |
Hartel, et al. |
ongoing |
ChinaFishBase (Project 863) |
Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology |
He, et al. |
ongoing |
Type catalog of catfishes described by Pieter Bleeker & deposited in Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden |
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor |
H.H. Ng |
proposed |